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I am a teacher, having taught for 22 years. I worked mainly in Early years, but also taught in year 1, and 2. I have produced several resources over the years and have recently created my own website Erinella.com where you can find my teaching resources. Im also on Facebook Erinella.com




I am a teacher, having taught for 22 years. I worked mainly in Early years, but also taught in year 1, and 2. I have produced several resources over the years and have recently created my own website Erinella.com where you can find my teaching resources. Im also on Facebook Erinella.com
Reception Morning Work

Reception Morning Work

This 310 page powerpoint is a great way to engage your reception class. Whether it’s first thing when they arrive or for a five minute activity throughout the day, this colourful powerpoint is great to embed their learning. Consisting of the following: Identifying initial sounds Letter formation RWI order Letter formation and pictures Letter recognition - matching upper case and lower case Number formation 0-20 Number - making sets of 0-20 Sentence writing Rhyming words 2D shape counting Addition problems Routine Addition number sentences Subtraction number sentences One more one less Label the picture Sentence scramble Silly sentences Letter formation High frequency words Write the missing numbers Place the missing numbers Identify missing numbers 2D shapes 3D shapes Number formation Repeating patterns Colour hunt One more One less Longer and shorter Taller and shorter
Jasper's Beanstalk

Jasper's Beanstalk

Are you teaching Jasper’s Beanstalk? This resource is ideal. Consisting of the following. (Two files to download) Jasper’s Beanstalk story - powerpoint with audio Page 1-2 writing the missing story. Page 3 Jasper’s beanstalk song Page 4 Drawing taller and shorter Page 5 Ordering beanstalks.
5 frame bus

5 frame bus

This fun activity is ideal for teaching number bonds to 5. Consisting of 1 A$ bus, 2 A5 buses plus characters to sit on the bus. Can be printed and laminated and used time and time again.
Length and height

Length and height

Two worksheets for children to colour. One focusses on the length of items. Using the language longest and shortest. The other focuses on the height of items. Using the language tallest and shortest.
2D Shape Repeating Patterns

2D Shape Repeating Patterns

Children love completing repeating patterns. This repeating pattern product links to 2D shapes. A great activity to cut out the 2D shapes and glue them in the correct order.
2D Shape Mat

2D Shape Mat

This 2D shape picture mat can be used in your continuous provision along with any 2D shapes. Children create their own 2D shape picture on the mat then record how many shapes they have used and which shapes. This is a great tool to encourage children to talk about the 2D shapes and their properties.
Ordering numicon -11-20

Ordering numicon -11-20

This colourful resource is great for understanding number order. Using the numicon shapes, children should cut out the numicon cards and glue them onto the other sheet in the correct order from 11.20
Ordering Numicon

Ordering Numicon

This colourful resource is great for understanding number order. Using the numicon shapes, children should cut out the numicon cards and glue them onto the other sheet in the correct order from 1-10.
More ordinal numbers

More ordinal numbers

Understanding ordinal numbers can sometimes be a little tricky for little ones to grasp, especially when they look different. These colourful activities can be used to teach children to recognise ordinal numbers using different scenarios. There are four different ones to choose from. Monkeys climbing a ladder Rockets blasting into space Car race track – straight Car race track – round Children are encouraged to cut out and glue the numbers in the correct positions.
What's the time Mr Wolf - o'clock

What's the time Mr Wolf - o'clock

Children love to play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’, so why not start this activity with a game first, but encourage them to make times on clocks before they move. This activity includes two sheets, one for the children to draw the hands on the clock and another to recognise the time on the clock. The focus is on o’clock.
Presents 0-20

Presents 0-20

When getting ready for Christmas, what better way than to display these presents in your Santa’s Workshop, Home, Post Office role play area. These colourful numbered presents can be laminated and used time and time again.
Monster Maths (ten frame)

Monster Maths (ten frame)

Are you teaching addition? This 28 page resource consists of 56 different addition sum. Each can be laminated and used time and time again along with counters. I recommend a different coloured counter or cube for each number, so children can physically add the amounts together using the ten frame.
Do you wanna build a snowman?

Do you wanna build a snowman?

This is a great activity to complete when learning about winter or snow, as well as learning about 2D shapes. Consisting of a winter scene then two pages of 2D shapes. Children can cut out the 2D shapes to create their own snowmen.  A fun activity to encourage children to talk about the shapes and their properties as well as creating a fun winter snow scene.
Ten frame Bus

Ten frame Bus

This resource consists of 23 pages. 1q pages of buses 0-10 1 plain bus 11 pages with buses with people on 1 A4 page with characters for bus. This resource is ideal for teaching counting, number bonds to 10, number recognition.
Hop the little frog pack

Hop the little frog pack

This is a fabulous resource ideal for anyone teaching numbers to 10. It consists of a powerpoint of Hop the little frog, a board game, frog numbers 0-20, lily pad numbers 0-20, plain frogs, a life cycle of the frog activity, plus a slimy frog playdough recipe.


Are your little ones learning to count backwards? This resource is ideal. Consisting of the following: Alien game Numbered aliens to 20 Plain aliens Powerpoint with the story Ten Little Aliens
Handy Hands - Number bonds to 10

Handy Hands - Number bonds to 10

Children love different ways of learning and what a better way to learn number bonds to ten than with using this hand hand technique. Children can cut out the hands and then bending fingers down, they can show different number bonds to 10. E.g. 4 (fingers down) 6 (fingers up) 4 + 6 = 10 Use the hands then complete the part whole number sheets.
French fries 1-10

French fries 1-10

Do you have a role play Mc Donalds or cafe? These french fries numbered 1-10 are a great resource. Laminate and use time and time again.